Department of Community Medicine, GMC Datia organized a one day CME on “Tuberculosis Updates” on 15th march 2019. The event was chaired by Prof. Dr Rajesh Gaur Dean, GMC Datia. Dr Anil Agarwal (Prof. & Head Dept. of Community Medicine, GRMC Gwalior) was chief guest & Dr Pradeep Sukla (Prof. & Head Dept. of Community Medicine, GMC Datia) acted as co-ordinator of the event. The event covered updates on various aspects of Tuberculosis ranging from epidemiology to treatment. Speakers included Dr Ankur Goyal (Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Microbiology, GMC Jalaun), Dr Manoj Bansal (Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Community Medicine, GRMC Gwalior), Dr P. Adhikari (Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Community Medicine, GMC Datia) etc. The event was attended by 100 participants which included faculty, PGs & Doctors from Datia & nearby districts.